Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday Favorites- 5 Cuts That Won't Make You Look Like a Soccer Mom

Let me start by saying that I don't like stereotypes, and I don't think that all soccer moms have bad hair. I'm sorry. I hope to be a soccer mom some day just so I can show that soccer moms can have really cool hair.

Pink Short Hair

Today's edition of Friday Favorites is about hair. But I've got some fresh color going on and felt inspired to share. If you follow me on pinterest, you know I'm obsessed with pinning hair. I am in a permanent phase of hair pinning.

I'm always looking for cool short cuts, and I'm tired of seeing that same wavy bob that has been pinned in a thousand varieties. Thanks Lauren Conrad. I'm guilty of it too- here's one on of the many off my pinterest board. Maybe I'm just jealous I don't know how to curl my hair.

Wavy Bob Hair Cut

Yesterday, my husband dyed my hair with, yes, a box dye! Not something I'm a huge fan of but I use it occasionally. Particularly when my hair is of the red variety. Not to say there is anything wrong with it– I've had mixed results when dying my own hair. If you've ever dyed your hair red, you already know, that it's that fastest color to fade so DIY-ing your color is the only way to keep it looking vibrant when you don't want to shell out the extra cash.

Anywho, yesterday I went with Feria's Vibrant Violet! It's a new color, and while I can't attest to how well it holds up, let me tell you it is certainly vibrant! The color came out very even and actually looks like it has slight highlights in it. I'm sorry that I don't have a before picture, my hair was sort of an ashy pink-ish brown– that sounds worse that is was...yikes. But it gave my boring hair new life and inspired this post! Is it vain I included myself in this list?

Purple Edgy Bob Haircut
Here are a few other cuts that I'm currently coveting. They're edgy but do-able for someone who may only be a little daring.

Edgy Bob With Bangs
This one is actually off a random fashion site.
But I love the blunt bangs and the slight bedhead look to it.

Edgy Bob
This site has tons of hair inspiration. I love piecy-ness of this.

Pixie Hair Cut
I've actually given this photo to my hair stylist many times. It's edgy, yet still soft and pretty.

Edgy Bob With Under Cut
This one is super cool. The undercut is really popular right now and this is one way of doing that gives you the option to show it off or cover it up. It's also great if you have thicker hair and want to lighten it up a bit.


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